
- Outreach and Cultural Consultant - Emirates College of Technology.
- Dean, Faculty of Media & Public Relation, from 2017-2019.
- PHD in international media from the University of Baghdad in 1998.
- Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Mass Communication and Media - Kingdom of Bahrain.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Communication Science – Germany, since 2017.
- Member of the Editorial Board of Al-Arabi Journal for Media Studies -Palestine.
- Member of an advisory board for many international scientific journals.
- Supervised and participated in the discussion of more than 165 Master Theses in Media and Public Relations in many Arab universities.
- He has published many scientific papers in international journals.
- Mulvin issued for him: (international and Arab satellite media) and (contemporary research and issues in the media).
- Participated in dozens of international scientific conferences inside and outside the Emirates.